Using NLP With Children in Ecuador

What was Elizabeth Payea Butler, Master Trainer of NLP With a Specialty in DHE doing in Ecuador in May 2014?

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This post is more geared to the many people who have studied NLP.  The people who have graduated as NLP Practitioners, or NLP Coaches who are wondering about expanding their skills and working with children.

Many years ago I designed a workshop for people who had taken their NLP training and wanted to use their new skills to assist children.  I have taught this program in Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy and in May 2014 will be teaching it in Ecuador.  This workshop has evolved and changed, and is never the same twice.  Why?  Because, there is always something new to learn and to teach, and flexibility and awareness is the key to a successful future when working with children.

I have been working with children using NLP since 1993 and never cease to be amazed at how adaptable the brain is.  I look at how a children born 8 years ago, is arriving into a different environment of change and technology than a child who was born 16 years ago.

Technology is changing more rapidly than the average person can keep up, and these changes affect how children process information and act on the information they have processed.   Common Sense is no longer common, and as NLP Practitioners,  we hear this on many occasions.

With over 20 years of practical, hands on experience, many people see me as an expert, and I draw on this experience and expertise to bring fresh ideas to the workshop each time that I am hoping will open the participants eyes and mind.

ADD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum,  are just a few common terms and labels we have heard often. But have you noticed how there are more, more labels being placed on children everyday.

If you are NLP trained It’s time to stop thinking about how to work more effectively and instead:

Learn how to calibrate more quickly the behaviour shifts and changes, how to set state anchors before a behaviour occurs. Learn what is important to the child and how to influence them by acknowledging what is important to them and giving them additional information.

Discover how to effectively use the Meta Model when asking children questions.

Understand the benefits of the Milton Model when answering their questions.

Practise setting anchors that will quickly and easily re-shift their behaviour.

Learn the importance of changing your strategies and behaviours more quickly.

I will also address the unprecedented power and influence of the internet and social media on kids and the importance of working with this generation of future leaders before someone else does.

I love working with children, click on this link: and see how the changing times have also caused me to change my strategies for how I work with children.  Realistically, no one has all the answers. I do however believe that by working with children today you will have better sense of what is coming in the future.

For the Ecuador location information and workshop fee contact Jose Torres at: Telfs: 04-6039400 – Cel: 0991-995061